Privacy Policy

Orfeo Office s.r.o. strives to make its products, applications and websites safe for every user. Data security is very important to us. We offer you basic information on how Orfeo Office s.r.o. takes care of data security.

Orfeo Office Data Privacy Policy
Data security is for Orfeo Office s.r.o. priority. If you are involved in data security control or you are a customer of Orfeo Office s.r.o. and if you believe you have encountered a security issue or vulnerability, we would greatly appreciate it if you could responsibly inform us of the findings. Please do not attempt to access or modify the data without authorization and do not interfere with the operation of our products, applications or websites.

If you believe you have encountered a vulnerability or would like to report a security incident, please contact us via Email: email_ds. Please send us a detailed description of the issue and provide an email address where we can reach you if you need more information. We will try to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Your commitment to maintaining maximum security for Orfeo Office products, applications, and Web sites we appreciate it very much. We would also like to thank everyone who has already reported security issues.

Orfeo Office s.r.o. Data Security FAQ
How does Orfeo Office s.r.o. trying to prevent security problems and how do they solve the problems?
Orfeo Office s.r.o. has a special team equipped with a range of security tools, with the help of which it constantly monitors potential threats and protects against them. The security team works closely with other Orfeo Office s.r.o. and together with them strives for maximum security of all products, applications and websites. This team also performs regular maintenance of Orfeo Office s.r.o. and applies recommended operating system fixes and updates.

How are my personal data protected?
Orfeo Office s.r.o. uses a number of protection systems, processes and services, the combination of which creates a solid barrier to the protection of your data. Orfeo Office s.r.o. constantly monitors your security system and strives to continually improve the protection of your data.

Do third parties have access to my personal data?
Please review our Privacy Statement for the conditions under which your information may be shared with third parties.